Monday 18 March 2019

Overcome your fear of failure - stammering kneels before confidence...

It should start with Thanksgiving - a positive gesture always helps in creating positive attitude.

Whole heartedly thanks to Mr.Nikunj Acharya - whom we use to call "Bava"

This wouldn't be possible without you.

Well, I am not a preacher, writer, professional blogger nor a grammer Nazi!

Starting with the topic - Overcome your fear of failure - stammering kneels before confidence..

We often resist to think about our weakness aren't we?

Its natural, as a human being we would like to be seen as powerful and with those weaknesses its quite questionable! Hence we try to hide our weakness behind certain masquerades which acts as a gurad for the weaknesses.

 I used to do the same, one of my weaknesses was I used to stammer a lot and hence it was difficult for me to stand in public and speak!

In order yo hide this, I always keep on avoiding public speaking even after joining event called Footprints in which we had to speak in public for like every now and then.

Avoiding speaking publically was equally challenging just like speaking publically.

You have to make sure that you never get turn, or you have to manage time so well that when your speech comes, you get more important work than the speech!

But all day we can never hide what is seen with the naked eye!

I had to speak, if not today then tomorrow and without having effective communication skill none has survived this world.

Nikunj was our public speaking advisor, he has taken the responsibility of nurturing all the team members and make them speak in front of public.

I still remember that conversation between me and nikunj, He said " you have to speak for your self if not today then tomorrow, so why don't you start from today - you will see better tomorrow!" He added that " think as if people aren't there actually to listen you, people need you to speak as they don't know something which you know, all you get to do is just tell them what you know"

As my first reflex was to avoiding these solutions, as unconsciously I was guarding my own weaknesses.

For few days  I didn't do anything, but one day I was in situation which no one would want to be!

I made to speak in front of whole team suddenly! And as expected goofups happened!

I couldn't speak a single line and stuck at the very first sentence! There were many people in the crowd for whome i was a talented guy but by knowing about my art of speaking nothing i felt that i lost importance in their life.

I was all broken that day, when bava told me " this happened in our team only, imagine you are doing a job and giving presentation in front of your boss and clients and this happens! You might lose your job as well, I am not scaring you but waking you up that if you don't speak today then you won't get chance to speak at all "

He gave me certain idea like speaking in front of mirror first then speaking in empty class followed by speaking in empty hall and conference rooms etc.

First, I used to read loudly keeping a copy of my speech with me, then i tried to remember and then speak few fumble happened but somehow i managed to speak not because of practice i was doing, it was because i wanted to speak! I wanted to prove that yes, i too can speak.

Later, I started jamming session in canteen where we used to persuade people for taking part in our event.

It was all improving without knowingly. I started speaking fearlessly, bava used to give me feedback of my improvement and one day he recorded my whole speech and showed it to me!

I was astonished  by seeing the way I spoke!

Since then and till now, I do not fear of speaking in public, not because i worked hard just because i wanted to speak!

This article is still in continuation, I will share some more experience and technique shared by Dr.Diti Vyas (Prof. at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management) in my next blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks Kartikey for such wonderful article and wish you all the best for the future.
    In addition I want to tell all readers of this article, that Kartikey was one of the very dedicated and sharp juniors of mine. I only showed him a direction, I never walked with him, but he made his way all thorough. He really worked hard to remove his stammering.

  3. Very useful article kartikey and as a friend of kartikey i want to know other readers that kartikey is now helping other people like me to overcome same problem.
